

1. Coming home for Fall Break- I’ve had a lovely Fall Break so far. My mom has spoiled me (as always) with yummy treats, and we’ve started celebrating my birthday with dark chocolate cupcakes and special gifts, like this book:

2. Doing well on exams- This week, I had a Evangelical Theology and Cultural Geography test, and I think I did well on both!

3. Skyping with my best friend- My friend, Hannah, is spending the semester studying abroad in Lithuania, and I was able to skype with her last Wednesday. She has joined a hand bell choir, aced an essay for her most difficult class, and made plans to travel to St. Petersburg to see Swan Lake and to Germany to see the Christmas markets.

skyping with hannah

4. Helping people in the Writing Center- During one of my Writing Center shifts, I was able to help someone with their essay for over an hour. She was an off-campus student who had come quite a distance for help. She had several kids and was working on a Nursing degree. When we finished, she hugged and thanked me with tears in her eyes. She said she would have never been able to make the corrections if I hadn’t helped her. Moments like that make the job worth it.

5. Fall music-



5. Star headband pinned onto CLEVER

Glitter Star Headband Tutorial | Red Autumn Co.

4. This Anthro dress and this Modcloth one pinned onto APPAREL

Shimmered Lacefall Dress #anthropologie #anthrofaveFlawless Flair Dress. From head to toe, your styling is always on point, particularly when youre sporting this black, fit-and-flare dress by Chi Chi London! #black #prom #modcloth

3. Very lovely doodling ideas pinned onto ART

Hand Drawn Vector Elements and Logo templates - Purchase at Creative Market

2. Delicious breakfast pinned onto FOOD


1. A pretty pink bed to fall into at the end of a magical day pinned onto SWEET DREAMS

Fabulous & Rococo Bed

That’s all!

Enjoy what is left of the weekend, and have a magical week!

Is. 41:10